5 Top Tips For Getting Proactive With Procrastination

My day so far could hold the key to YOUR success in 2024 and give you clues as to what SAPS your productivity and results. I bet you one months Insider* on this! I cleared the clothes washing – who does washing over Christmas? Not us! Time off is time off. It’s too good for…
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Have you ever wanted to write a book? Get known as an expert in your field? Get speaking engagements because you are that awesome? (Maybe you think this is beyond the realms of possibility?) In September 2016 I was approached by the UK’s leading non fiction publishers to write a book. A TV celebrity, author…
Client X – initial phone call; “I’m very busy, but not sure I’m reaching my full potential and I’d like to grow my business. We’ve a good client base but I’m sure we can grow that and offer more and increase profits too.” What we did; Session 1 Took a detour as personal areas of…
Owning your own business is awesome when it works, but it can also be frustrating when you don’t get the results you want. I’ve helped over 10,000 people to grow businesses. Often with no budget or time, often quadrupling profits in a short amount of time, so let’s look at 7 reasons why your business…
Conversation this morning with my son, highlights the power of our conversations And most important bit….the stuff that isn’t said, that you need to listen to, so that you get the results in relationships that you want. Me “Have you tidied your bedroom, my version of tidy, not yours. Son “Yes” Me No you havn’t…