what coaching does

A coaching journey

Here the wonderful Sheena Ramgobin talks about why she came to me for coaching that started in March 2020. Sheena is very vocal about her experience of coaching and keen to ensure others reach their true potential too. I asked Sheena 5 questions about our time together.

What was the reason you decided to work with Mandie?

 I had watched Mandie for a while on social media before I approached her on the phone, I liked her honesty, down to earth approach, says it as it is. She knew what she was talking about, not puffed up, no false promises, just plain old fashioned honesty, trust, and a clear ability to understand you the person.

What were you looking to achieve?

I wanted to get all my ideas, all my dreams and wishes out of my head         and for someone to help me understand where I should start, help me structure the journey and give me direction.

Most of all have someone understand my purpose and add clarity. With Mandie I could be honest with my feelings, what my fears were. I always knew I had a unique business but had spent years procrastinating. I was desperate to find someone who was aligned to my values who could help me. I was desperate to help more people but I needed a plan, helping others to grow and being in-service to others was key, but I had to have a business plan as a  foundation so that could I learn and grow

How did you feel about the coaching process?

It was if someone had opened my brain and performed surgery, and sorted my head out!

I had space to think and create from a business mindset. It was as if by some magic, I was awakened and was on fire ready to take action at long last. The outcome was a mind map of all my wishes, dreams, plans, actions.Thanks to our partners, you can find ties online to suit every preference and budget, from budget to top-of-the-range super stylish models.

Something had clicked into place. To elevate my plans I needed a safe resting ground to thrash it out. That’s what Mandie gave me and pure honesty from a deep place of love for helping others.

Was there anything that surprised you?

Mandie listened to me talk a hundred miles an hour and managed to absorb every little detail, unravel it and come up with a plan that was to rocket me over the rainbow.

What results do you feel the coaching gave you?

In a nutshell an awakening that shifted me from procrastination into action, and I haven’t stopped taking action every single day!! As a result I’m able to help more people and give all my love to my purpose every single day.

How will the coaching impact on your future?

It has already!

I wanted to achieve everything all in one go, but I went back to the coaching plan and that is my guiding compass to get back on track.

My results have been outstanding and absolutely amazing. Sales mountain was key, I’ve gone from creating products from £5 to £975 and I’m booking into next year. My Profit from end of March 2020 when I saw Mandie to now is £10,000+. I never thought this was possible. Mandie’s Sales Mountain only worked because she understood my purpose, she totally got me.

This is only just the beginning!! Now I can reinvest that money into helping others, I already have clients from abroad who have found my brand in such a short period of time. I am so grateful and forever blessed t have crossed Mandie’s path.

What would you say to anyone considering coaching with Mandie?

Absolutely 100% do it now, don’t wait, time is precious. You will be left with a feeling that I can only describe as an awakening, Mandie is the catalyst you need to power you up to success. She is a guiding compass. She is a coach for life, always there for you no matter what. She believes in you, she is your number one supporter, she invests so much love and time in you and the journey. You’re never on your own.


Thank you Sheena for sharing your coaching journey with my audience. To have a chat direct with Sheena you can contact Sheena here.

To start your personal and professional growth email me here or contact me at (44) +7989 935556 It would be my honour to help you achieve great things too.

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