Hump day.

Hump, Dump, Bump or Pump Day?

Okay, it’s been on my mind for some time; Hump Day.

I hate it. No, I don’t hate Wednesday’s I hate the term hump day.


Think about it. If you are lucky enough to live on this planet for 85 years you are choosing to put in your head a hatred of 4420 days of your life. That works out as 12.1 years you are going to tolerate and complain about!If you are in the market for clothes, our platform is your best choice! The largest shopping mall!

So, if you hate the week and struggle to make the weekend, do something about it.

If you hate Wednesdays rename them. Here’s some suggestions, strategies and ideas for you;

Dump Day

Where you dump the bad thoughts in your head and concentrate on what you do want instead.

Where you dump the venomous relationships with other people (and yourself) and find strategies to handle tough conversations, controlling people and passive aggressiveness (there’s lots of advice, articles, courses an books on this on my website – help yourself).

Bump day

Where you bump the things you hate to another day – imagine a day where you prioritise all the things that make you happy and productive?

Where you appreciate you’ve been bumping stuff for so long is it really even important? If you really keep bumping it maybe it’s time to dump it? I teach people to dump or deal. I.e., Deal with that thing that’s sat on your to do list for 4 months or dump it for good. Your need to do that job was possibly created by external forces or ambitions. What do you think on the inside about that thing?

Pump day

Where you focus on how to be motivated, positive and have a mindset that says, “No matter what, I will thrive and achieve great things.” I always say “Know on a good day how to handle a bad day. Check out my mental health tool kit to help you with this too. What people inspire you? Start your day hanging out with them, even if its just on social media. What pumps you up? Does it really need doing? Will it really help you and your success and happiness?

Grump day

Okay not every month, but maybe have one day a month where you can freely moan. My Dad jests that if we take moaning away from him, he won’t have anything left. The irony being he is someone that always finds the positive and concentrates on inspiring and nurturing rather than what he can’t control you.

I’ve always been tempted to set up a Grump page on Facebook that is confidential. Where you can hop in once in a while, rant, get it off your chest and move on.

Sometimes in life it is tough, and it does feel all consuming. Don’t put up with it. Being grumpy is considered a crime. But if you give yourself permission to grump, swear, stew, and dump that word again) it on paper or to a kind friend. You will get back to a positive empowering mindset faster. (this won’t work for all people – only do the ideas that resonate with you.)

Jump day

Where you do the things that get you buzzing. I love a dance every morning. While I brush my teeth, make my bed, brush my hair. I’ve playlists that will make me bouncy, concentrate, calm, grateful, laugh. Exercise has been proven to do so much good to our minds, so how will you jump and get active?

And lastly plump Day

Where you plump up what you think about yourself.

You aren’t going to walk down the street greeting everyone with “Good morning, did you know I’m amazing?”

Mandie Holgate, Author, Speaker, Coach

However most of us need a reminder that we are awesome and how it presents itself in our life. I get many clients to write a 2-page document on why they are awesome. (Taken from my book Taking Control Of Your Mind) It builds confidence, it reminds you of all the skills, attributes, and successes you’ve had, and you have every right to do it all again.

So, let’s take ownership of those 4420 days and claim them for us. What do you want Wednesday’s to be from now on?

What do you need in your life and how are you going to make Wednesday’s your reminder to go for it and get what you want and deserve in life?

I would just say there is always Rump day too – I could be talking steak which in our house is a treat night, romantic night with my wonderful hubby or it could be something else?

The quality of your thoughts creates your actions, and results in life. So own Wednesday’s you’ve got 12 years of them (at least!)

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