Hanging on to sh*t

Hanging on to sh*t

I have just finished my tax return and that should be something to celebrate however one receipt made me sob. I had an emergency, you know those weeks when life is good and then you get thrown a curve ball that makes you wish you could reverse one week and just hold on to what…

Distracted, shiny things and losing focus – how to stay accountable and get results

So many of us get distracted by new ideas and opportunities and what can be even more scary is we often don’t even notice that! Clients may start coaching with me to fix a problem, grow a career or business or to build confidence however they stick around as retained clients because I keep the…

Fuzzy Patch

So as me and Hubby had that special moment before bed (stop it!) you know the time where the jobs are done, the plans and progress for the whole family has been discussed and you can just be 2 people that love each other having a chat and being together before you snuggle up to…

Role models – why bother?

For all of my adult life I’ve had role models, although I had no idea I did or the impact they were having! As a child my role model was Ms Carter. My history teacher, my school mentor (we used to have those and that was awesome!) and introducer to Annie Lennox (which then followed…

Latest article for Life Hack – How to Stop Racing Thoughts When Your Mind Won’t Let Up

Okay I doubt a single coaching client comes to me and says “Mandie can you stop the racing thoughts, its like there’s a crowd in here!” However whether it’s coaching someone to over come a life long fear, helping them deal with an challenging team member, build their confidence, process adversity and keep going or…

Oh Wow!

Oh Wow!

I wonder if you do the same as me? Someone says something uber nice or cool about me and I just smile, maybe thank them and quickly dismiss it. Don’t get me wrong. I’m proud to be Mandie Holgate* however I rarely hold on to what people say; “That was an awesome keynote Mandie, you’ve changed…

Life hack latest article; What to Do When Asked About Weaknesses in a Job Interview

Here’s my latest article for Life Hack, because who hasn’t been asked one of those questions….. A job interview can be as close to legal torture in the 21st century that hopefully any of us will ever get. We’d rather have our pointless appendices’ removed than sit opposite someone who has the power to decide…