Some Social Media Hot Tips

I hosted a last minute (because I love your business) social media master class recently and this is the email I shared with the business women afterwards. Some of these business women were completely new to social media and others had dappled and some would even say they were getting some results. BUT they all…

21st Century Leadership

Having worked for someone else’s business and then gaining a team to motivate, inspire and manage, I know firsthand how tough it can be to be a leader. I bet you know someone that’s had a nightmare boss but it’s just as likely that you know someone that feels like it’s all their teams fault….

More Sales Please

I’ve been doing some research with The Business Womans Network to find out what business women really want and so far as well as being incredibly interesting reading we are learning that time & stress management and work life balance are still an issue close to many of yours heart but ultimately the thing in business…

Oi Fatty!

Not the best headline right? But it got your attention no doubt! The fact is we all have days where we actually say this kind of thing to ourselves. We look in the mirror and we berate our appearance, we moan at our stomach’s, our thighs or our wrinkles. Now let me ask you this,  “Is…

Tell Me What You Think

Review Mandie Holgate – thank you. If we’ve met and you want to tell others what you think. I’d love a review. I’m so passionate about what I do and get tons of lovely testimonials for my speaking engagements, training, coaching, courses, books and Insiders, but power it up for me and give a review….