If you want more sales, focus & results – this will work in 6 weeks!
6 week online course for busy business women wanting more sales & focus[/caption]
6 week online course for busy business women wanting more sales & focus[/caption]
I have rarely used my blog to berate or complain since I believe in sharing solutions and ways to make business better, however it’s been a year of disability unfriendly experiences I don’t want to see anyone else suffer and in my view it is only in raising awareness we can improve – well that…
Do you know how you open your messages on LinkedIn and increasingly on other social media platforms only to find those long war and peace intro messages? Well, I actually replied to one…. “Can I be honest with you xxxx? I’m not sure who advises you to write these long emails when a professional relationship…
I’ve presented hundreds of presentations on powerful public speaking and communication skills although today took a slightly different angle and wow was it powerful! The irony is never lost on me that 15 years ago I couldn’t (and wouldn’t!) speak to a large audience. I was the person pretending she had a call just as…
If you were at The BWN in January you will have seen my performance with Lisa Hardy from Responsive roles. In a room of 30 business owners only 3 people were in on the act and the rest of the audience behaved in a remarkable and incredibly powerful way. (Tell you more about that after…
That is a sentence that I’ve held dearly for so many years. It helps you when you want to achieve. It helps you when you face adversity. It can even help you when you are rushed to A and E and are scared to death you are dying. Whatever your life looks like or what…
Hi it’s your big fat meany head here….. Well if you want real results you have to not only watch the master class, you have to write down your back burners and ideas and then decide what actions you are going to take over the next week and then shock of shocks you have to…