Master class 2 Homework – If you really want results…
I often meet business women new to running their own business, that have an extensive level of knowledge and experience in their profession. Going it alone is scary, exciting and a million other feelings. So why can it be good to become a thought leader in your industry? And what’s the point? (Don’t you have enough…
Okay so this is a difficult one, and I’ve been sitting on the edge of writing this for about 2 years. But since it’s at a near critical level I’d better mention it. A lack of professionalism is killing many people’s success. There I said it. People think they are professional but in the last…
Words you wouldn’t expect to hear from a business woman whose father taught her never lie. As Dad always says; “Never lie, with a thief you know they will always try and steal from you, with a liar you never know where you stand.” It’s a rule I’ve always applied to my life and every…
I used to be so petrified of public speaking that it felt like my necklace was bouncing off of my chest because my heart was beating that fast and loud. My palms were as Eminem said sweaty and I felt sick and I could hardly remember my name let alone what I wanted to say….
I love the TV analogy and it’s one of the reasons; Let me explain… You want a new TV. You don’t realise it but you’ve pretty much chosen your TV before you enter the store, why? Because there they all are in all their glory (I’m listening to Jurassic park’s theme tune, so think big…
I just wanted to share with you something from 2 of the ladies that are on 1 of my monthly masterclasses. Each month we’ve looked at targeting their marketing and focussing their attention. But this month I wanted to see real action. Real results. So instead of just practising, they both awesomely rose…