Coaching with Mandie

Around my site you will see lots of awesome reviews from amazing people I loved working with, I think it’s good to know your coach walks the walk too…
- Multi Award winning, 50 international inspirational women, national magazines role Model for women, Global Entrepreneurship High Impact Award, top 100 UK Small Businesses, Inspirational women of the year by a national UK Magazine, Top 15 websites for female entrepreneurs, marketing awards, motivational woman, etc, etc.
- 1 of the UK’s youngest Bodyshop Managers in the automotive industry, helping to take that business to market – £1.5 million in 1999.
- Invited to the House of Lords and 10 Downing Street for my work with businesses.
- Featured in every UK newspapers, most glossies, trade publications, regularly featurings on radio shows, podcasts and online shows
- 1 of Lifehacks top authors.
- Asked to write my first book Fight the fear by the UK’s top non fiction publisher – now in 5 langauges sold around the world.
- Attended think tanks at the Home Office, Dept Trade and Industry, Downing Street, House of Lords, NatWest Rose Review looking at the issues that impact on business success and women in business.
- Regularly called upon to talk in the media about matters relating to mental health, confidence, women and business.
- Speaking engagements include The NHS, Virgin Care, WH Smiths, Universities, Business Conferences and annual AGM’s, audiences say my style is “lifechanging”.
- Stephen Fry described me as a great writer and I write for numerous international publications. 1 article had over 40,000 views in 1 month!
How to choose the right coach for you.
An elegant website, corporate logos, reviews and a big price package does not guarantee you results. To help you choose the right coach for you;
- Have a chat – I don’t offer discovery calls or half hour free sessions. A quick chat will tell you if you like me and could see yourself and your team working with me.
- Ask to speak to some clients. My clients are all assumed to be confidential however there’s plenty who are happy to share with you their own experiences of working with me and the results they achieved. So I can connect you with them to have a chat.
- Speak to more than 1 coach.
- Find out what guarantees you are going to get. If you don’t move forward, if you don’t learn new things and the “Science of Being You” then you don’t pay.
Areas covered; Leadership. Resilience, Change adversity and management Focus, Stress, Burnt Out, Confidence, Imposter Syndrome, Productivity, Accountability, Networking Skills, Public Speaking Skills, Elevator Pitches, Meeting skills, Reputation, Time Management, Motivation, Charging your worth, Empowerment, Self Belief, Fear of the Phone, Fear of Saying No, Achieving Your Goals, Success, Business Growth, Sales & Marketing, Charging your worth, Understanding your audience’s / Niche’s, blogging for business and getting yourself known as a thought leader.

- Their first 6 figure contract. “You told me I could do this, but I am still pinching myself!”
- Getting rid of inter departmental battles so the company works together achieving more in less hours.
- Gained international contracts. “I’m only a small business, how did that happen!”
- Achieved their best ever sales figures, throughout the whole of 2019 “It’s like magic how clients fall out of the sky!” 2020 despite the pandemic has seen month on month growth too!
- Overcome lifelong fear of public speaking. “That was so much fun, I’ve already agreed to 3 more speaking gigs!”
- Gained a slot on TV Shopping channels and now considered one of the experts in their field with premises in US and UK.
- Their team were dejected and overworked and felt unappreciated and there was no budget for more staff etc. They now meet every KPI, the team are fully motivated and believe in their roles, each other and the company.
- Increased sales to their yearly target in 1 session.
- Picked up 2 prestigious accolades.
- Went from part time business owner to successful business with 3 staff and their own premises in less than a year.
- Became a columnist in 3 publications to become known as a thought leader in their industry (They are securing more sales, celeb endorsements and more PR opportunities)
- Went from unknown business owner to on the international speaking circuit..
- Reduced absenteeism to zero during the lock down for 224 – the leader said “It is as a direct result of our time with you.”
- Enabled a business owner to quit the part time job and increase profit by 500% in 5 months.
- Increased productivity for a team of 100+ with our communication, time management and boundaries session.

I’m often asked “Who do you coach?”
As you can see from the above, it’s diverse. For small businesses it’s about helping the company and the owner become a sustainable, growth business that actively innovates and secures new opportunities, often on a tight budget. That’s okay, with my confidential mastermind group, courses and books I can work to your budget to still help you get exceptional results in your personal and professional life.
For large teams, leaders and members of the board, it is about enabling the organisation to work powerfully together. Honouring the individual while enabling massive growth, resilience, innovation and change, ensuring sensible working hours to reduce overwhelm and stop burnout and manage boundaries, expections and work life balance.
Rarely do we need to find more money. You can tell me we’ve tried everything and we can still find a better way.
- Not 100% happy? Don’t pay.
- No need to book a minimum number of sessions or packages.
- On a tight budget? We will pack in as much as we can into a 2 hour session and give you enough back burner ideas to work on for up to 4 months.
- I don’t clock watch (Unless you want me to) This is about results.
- Additional support can be suppplied to you and your team. Including full coaching report, email support, half hour phone coaching sessions to keep you on track. We can create something uniquely tailored to you and your company.
- You leave every session with a clear plan of action, a laser focused goal and the accountability to achieve it!
Mandie’s highly acclaimed book!
Taking Control of your Mind: Lifehacks to resilience, Happiness And success
“Mandie has compressed a wealth of exceptional information from her own professional experience so that it is easily digestible and beneficial for those looking to expand and improve their own potential. Within this book is a clear-cut guide to help you better understand your own patterns, so you can understand the power of harnessing your mental strength.” – Leon Ho, CEO and Founder of Lifehack