4 signs that your confidence levels are impacting on your success

4 signs that your confidence levels are impacting on your success

Over the years I’ve helped thousands of people to increase their confidence, not just because it’s a nice thing to do but because I’ve seen it have a massive impact on their personal and professional success and happiness. Here’s just a few of the things I’ve seen people go on to achieve purely by increasing…

I can’t do it!

I can’t do it!

There are times in our lives when we feel like we can’t do it. Panic sets in. Fears escalates. Confidence takes a nose dive and we question our actions, our thoughts and even ourselves. When you feel that level of overwhelm it can be hard to know how to go on. “I’m not good enough”…

Oi Fatty!

Not the best headline right? But it got your attention no doubt! The fact is we all have days where we actually say this kind of thing to ourselves. We look in the mirror and we berate our appearance, we moan at our stomach’s, our thighs or our wrinkles. Now let me ask you this,  “Is…