

Fear attacking success. We give it many names. Publishers and gurus/coaches/speakers (Yes folks like me) will give it many other names too (so they can sell books/courses/coaching) the fact is for most people it won’t present as the traditional fear you know and expect. Fear rarely is that aaaaaaaa I need to run right now…

Stress Free Guide to Exams – Works on anyone looking to achieve more at stressful times too!

Stress Free Guide to Exams – Works on anyone looking to achieve more at stressful times too!

As I sit next to my snoozing poorly daughter who has another migraine (In the hope we can starve it off) I want to talk about stress and its impact on your success. The irony is that my gorgeous girl used to have a 3 to 8-day migraine every month until she started on Tessellate…

How to Effectively Set Goals in Life to Get Where You Really Want to Be in 2021

How to Effectively Set Goals in Life to Get Where You Really Want to Be in 2021

I’d love just a penny for every time I’ve been able to help someone achieve their big goals fast with the idea I’m going to share here. It is that recurrent that I’d be a millionaire a good few times over! Often people looking to get somewhere in life arrive to have coaching and advise…

All doom and gloom

All doom and gloom

I remember as a child being told “Mandie Timns you ‘re all doom and gloom!”. I was always Mrs Happy, Positive I love life or Mrs Oh no the worlds’ ending. (That’s why I know we can all change, because I have!) As a child I loved Lost in Space and the sad robot was…

Are you really professional? Professionalism and your success. (Warning: Not for the faint hearted)

Are you really professional? Professionalism and your success. (Warning: Not for the faint hearted)

Okay so this is a difficult one, and I’ve been sitting on the edge of writing this for about 2 years. But since it’s at a near critical level I’d better mention it. A lack of professionalism is killing many people’s success. There I said it. People think they are professional but in the last…

LinkedIn ideas to Success

LinkedIn ideas to Success

Recently I’ve delivered social media training to the NHS Entrepreneurial Programme and some other companies (who wish to remain confidential) and I thought I’d share some key messages here for you to benefit from too. When used right LinkedIn can do a lot for your success. Personally it has led to new clients, speaking engagements,…

I’d be mortified if…

I’d be mortified if…

A business woman walks in and sits down. This lady has never had coaching before and is clearly nervous. Within half an hour they have told me their life story and probably every embarrassing thing that is rattling around in their head that; Makes them feel inadequate. Stops them from taking action. Stops them for…