The surrealist day of my career and how it could help you be more successful.

The surrealist day of my career and how it could help you be more successful.

You look around the room and can’t quite work out what emotion it is you are supposed to be feeling. It’s all a bit surreal. There’s a magician performing up close magic on a space man. Mary Poppins is having a chat with one of the top digital media experts in the country. Usually instead of…

What you really need to know to be a powerful speaker (anywhere!)

What you really need to know to be a powerful speaker (anywhere!)

I’ve presented hundreds of presentations on powerful public speaking and communication skills although today took a slightly different angle and wow was it powerful! The irony is never lost on me that 15 years ago I couldn’t (and wouldn’t!) speak to a large audience. I was the person pretending she had a call just as…

Hanging on to sh*t

Hanging on to sh*t

I have just finished my tax return and that should be something to celebrate however one receipt made me sob. I had an emergency, you know those weeks when life is good and then you get thrown a curve ball that makes you wish you could reverse one week and just hold on to what…

Role models – why bother?

For all of my adult life I’ve had role models, although I had no idea I did or the impact they were having! As a child my role model was Ms Carter. My history teacher, my school mentor (we used to have those and that was awesome!) and introducer to Annie Lennox (which then followed…

Latest article for Life Hack – How to Stop Racing Thoughts When Your Mind Won’t Let Up

Okay I doubt a single coaching client comes to me and says “Mandie can you stop the racing thoughts, its like there’s a crowd in here!” However whether it’s coaching someone to over come a life long fear, helping them deal with an challenging team member, build their confidence, process adversity and keep going or…

Spiders up your nose

Spiders up your nose

Do you know that moment between asleep and awake when you are not sure if what is going on is real or a dream? When if it’s good you’re desperately hanging on to it like a film’s hero hanging on to the edge of the mountain for dear life so they can save the world…